SmartBiz Loans : How we increased ROAS by 150% for a fast growing Fin-tech Company
How we increased ROAS by 150% for a fast growing FIn-tech Company
SmartBiz Loans is a venture backed fintech company offering SBA loans to small business owners. Their DTC marketing had been solely dependent on digital advertising. When the cost of Facebook ads kept rising our client hit a ceiling in terms of their customer acquisition ROI.
Our team developed a modular creative strategy and delivered a package of spots featuring profiles of small business owners. The modular design allowed for cost effective A/B testing. The initial media test was so successful that our client had to take our spots off the air so they could hire and train more sales agents.
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San Francisco Headquarters
200 Gate 5 Road Sausalito,
CA 94965
200 Gate 5 Road Sausalito,
CA 94965
Los Angeles Production Office
4829 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90019
4829 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90019
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